• Category

    Specialist Lighting Design, Transportation

  • Client

    Darlington Borough Council & Willmott Dixon Construction

  • Location


  • Project Value


  • Darlington Railway Heritage Quarter

    TGA Consulting Engineers LLP have been commissioned to act as Building Services Consulting Engineers on the Darlington Railway Heritage Quarter project which will create a major new museum and visitor attraction celebrating the pivotal role that the area played in the development of passenger railways 200 year ago.

    Project Summary

    The project will conserve and refurbish three of the world’s oldest railway buildings, as well as constructing a completely new building, in which heritage railway groups can flourish whilst allowing visitors to see their work. The project also incorporates a substantial public realm linking the buildings together and containing other visitor attractions.

    Darlington Borough Council is committed to achieving carbon neutral status and has challenged the design team to develop proposals which include a path to this aspiration for the site.

    As part of this TGA’s Building Performance Team have been working with the wider design team to sensitively enhance the performance of the historic building envelopes without detracting from their important aesthetic qualities or causing harm to the historic fabric.

    Our Specialist Lighting designers have worked closely with the architect to develop proposals to effectively light the various spaces with a mix of contemporary and period luminaires which suit the feel of the various buildings whilst enabling the various functions for which they are intended to be used to be fulfilled.

    Our M&E Engineers have developed means by which modern building engineering systems can be sensitively incorporated into the evolving design working closely with the wider Design Team.

    This has been particularly challenging for the design of heating systems for which it is desirable that they are able to operate at lower circulation temperatures without resulting in spaces being dominated by large emitters.


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