• Year


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  • Client

    London Borough of Camden

  • Location

    Kentish Town, London

  • Project Value


  • The Greenwood Estate

    The Greenwood Estate development is located in the Kentish Town area of London and includes two new buildings, Greenwood Place Community Centre and a residential building in Highgate Road, providing 42 individual dwellings.

    Project Summary


    Winner - Project of the Year (under £20m) - Construction News 2019

    The former is a 3-storey day centre with a roof garden area. The building is designed to meet the BRE BREEAM ‘Excellent’ rating.  It is a ground breaking facility that is being used as a model for the delivery of social care in the community.

    The residential building is 5 storeys and includes 42 individual dwellings and 7 assisted living units. A roof garden area is included and the building is designed to meet level 4 of the Code for Sustainable Homes. Thermal energy will be delivered to both buildings by a central combined heat and power plant (CHP) supported by high efficiency gas-fired condensing boilers.

    Electricity, generated by the CHP unit will be supplied to the building and supplemented by the grid. Surplus electricity will be exported and sold back to the Grid at a nominal fixed charge.

    Both new buildings will use renewable energy systems. Building integrated photo voltaic panels have been incorporated into elements of community centre curtain walling and glazed roof light systems. Conventional PV panels and a solar thermal installation has been included on the roof of the residential block.

    The internal environment within the spaces is achieved by the passive, climate moderating, qualities of the building with minimal intervention by the engineering systems. Features incorporated into the design include: highly insulated building fabric and very low air permeability; good quality natural ventilation and day lighting in perimeter spaces; night time ventilation strategies coupled with exposed thermal mass. To assist in keeping the internal space cool in summer; energy efficient heating, hot water and interior lighting systems; demand based control of heating and lighting systems; and rainwater harvesting system included for watering green roof areas.

    This project won The Project of the Year Award in 2019 – https://www.constructionnews.co.uk/events/cn-awards/project-year-20m-winner-11-07-2019/

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