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    Commercial Developments, Featured Projects

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    Transmission Dynamics/Ryder

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  • Image credit - Meldrum Construction

    Transmission Dynamics

    Transmission Dynamics in Cramlington is a£4.8m expansion of their facilities with a new hybrid office, warehouse and engineering facility to accommodate it’s expanding team, including 50 new jobs.

    Project Summary

    The expansion secured a £500,000 grant from the North of Tyne Growth Fund (NTGF), in hopes that this new facility would afford Transmission Dynamics the physical capacity, specialist facilities and resources needed to scale up their manufacturing and deployment capabilities. As well as support from Advance Northumberland, whose aim is to support economic development in the county.

    The building was a £2.3m construction project, which the £500,000 grant helped to fund. With a further £1.8m investment in plant and machinery, Transmission Dynamics expected to invest £4.8m in the project – a significant investment in its business and the region.

    Image credit - Meldrum Construction

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